Friday, July 23, 2010

The plane to nowhere ... And back again

Jeremy was to get into Monterey Airport last night at 9:40pm. But when
Jason went to the airport to pick him up, we find that his plane had
been diverted to Fresno because someone forgot to turn on the runway
landing beacon in the fog. The airline said they couldn't leave from
Fresno because the airport was closed. The only options available were
overnighting at the airport or a chartered bis to Monterey, neither
were appealing. Alisha, Jeremy's girlfriend, volunteered to drive to
Fresno to pick him up and left just before midnight - when the track
gates closed - for the 3 hour drive. 30 minutes into the trip she got
a call from Jeremy that the plane was leaving Fresno (don't ask me
how) and he would get into Monterey at 1:05am. But after she pocked
him up at the airport they both had to bunk with Jimmy Woods parents
downtown, because the track was locked up. So a pretty sleepless night
- lets cross our fingers that this is the WORST thing that happens all

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