Thursday, July 22, 2010

A day of nothing

7am - Woken by the dolcet tones of Jason banging around the RV. I
didn't hear him get in at midnight after driving his own pickup from
San Diego and that's a good thing.

We unloaded the trailer, laid the rubber flooring and setup the brand
new canopy attached to the trailer. Jason had to install a dozen
canopy clips to the trailer to finish the job but it all got done and
it looked bitchin'

Down in Monterey we collected our credentials from the AMA amd went to
Home Depot to get a Bolt after finding one of the rear latches broken
on the trailer - WARRANTY !!

Back at the pit (after bullshitting our way passed the security staff
to get Jasons truck back into the pits without a parking pass) Jason
changed out the wheels of the A-bike and installed a new front wheel
fairing before the bike could be teched for the Monterey Challenge in
the morning.

A really quiet day. But as soon as Jody gets here in an hour or two
they'll be working on the bike getting it ready for 8am practice.

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